Our Solutions


View the location of objects in real time, on the map of your choice: OSM, Google, Satellite etc. This service can be used at any time of the day from any computer or smartphone connected to the Internet. Furthermore, you will be able to view additional information about the object: exact address, travel speed, petrol consumption etc.

Get instant alerts about your defined events: when object enters or exits geo-zone, speeding, theft, stopovers, SOS alarms, engine on/off etc. Via system pop-up window, email, smartphone App or SMS.

Mileage report, Parking report, Idling report, Overspeeding report, Fuelconsumption report, Sensor report, Driver report, Alarm report.
Preview or download reports in different formats (XLS, PDF, CSV, TXT). Reports can include various information: driving hours, stopovers, distance traveled, fuel consumption etc. by date and GPS tracker name. Detailed and group reports may be also available.

Check tank fuel level and fuel consumption along the route. Aggressive driving: speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, directly influencing fuel consumption. Improving driving behavior can cut your fuel costs significantly (up to 25%). Furthermore, fuel consumption control is a great preventive measure against theft and fraud.

Geofence feature allows you to set up geographic boundaries around areas that have specific interest for you. And then receive automated alerts whenever object enters or leaves those boundaries.

With POI (Points of Interest) you can add markers at the locations that might be important to you: gas station, a hotel, a restaurant, a shopping mall etc. Also, you can name the place and add description. Furthermore, you can use tools for calculating distances between places on the map and etc.



Responsive design: ease to use on both desktop and mobile devices


Object narrowing &  map clustering: viewing easier a large number of tracked objects & vehicles


Objects window: ability to filter objects by their status, sensor parameters etc.


Full GPS device information: easily customizable & visible at the bottom of the interface


Customisable interface: ability to define object arrow color by its status: moving, idling, stopped, etc.


Customisable interface: ability to set the arrow color on the parameter value


Reports generator:  even for thousands of devices thanks to the optimized code & database



And much more… Contact us for a LIVE DEMO !

SV Solutions

Umm Ramool Area
9th Street
PO Box 26132
Dubai - UAE

+971 4 285 6628
+971 4 285 6800 